Our Impact On Others - Anonymous

Recently, I've heard a lot about "People remember most how you made them feel". The thing is, this relates to everyone around us, whether in close contact or just in the vicinity. It has been codified under several sets of rules. Common courtesy, etiquette, and chivalry are the best known. However, they seem to be the most ignored, and that usually hurts those around us. Or if they are practiced, they go unrecognized or unappreciated.

To practice these courtesies requires putting yourself into the physical and emotional position of those with whom you interact. If you can understand what others are trying to achieve, you can assist, intervene, or get out of the way.

Lately, so many people are absorbed in their smartphones and their personal problems that they don't know what is going on around them.

Then there are two laws of which the self-absorbed need to take heed. Karma, or what goes around, comes around, which is a reactive law. The other and more significant law is the second great commandment, "Love thy neighbor as thyself", which is a proactive law.

From the CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/distracted_driving/index.html, “Each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.”

The distractions fall into 3 groups, paraphrased from NHTSA definitions: Taking your eyes from the direction of travel, taking your hands off of the controls, and taking your mind off of the process of travelling (driving or walking).

According to a HealthLine article, “Researchers at The Ohio State University say an estimated 1,500 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms in 2010 for injuries related to using their cell phones while walking. That was double the number of such incidents reported in 2005, even though pedestrian injuries overall have decreased.”

Consider the family, employer, and friends of the person who died in an accident as well as the person themselves. Consider the person in the [other] vehicle(s) whose lives are impacted by the self-absorbed, selfish, texters. They didn't mean to do it but you are anonymous to them.

Here’s an idea. Put the phone away, look where you are going, know your surroundings, and pay attention to those around you. You may even acknowledge them and smile, and perhaps, make their day. You may not know these people around you, but you won’t injure them, you won’t wreck their day, you won’t wreck yours or your family’s or your friends day.

Take some time to count your blessings.

5/20/19 News: New York State Senate introduced a bill making texting while walking across a street a criminal offense with fines of $50 to $150.

Last modified: Wed May 22 17:20:27 Eastern Daylight Time 2019